Month: January 2024

Amy Rowlings Mysteries Cover Reveal. Murder on the Medway

I am beyond delighted to announce that SpellBound Books Ltd has revealed the wonderful cover for the latest Amy Rowlings mystery. Murder on the Medway. The cover was designed, as usual by the hugely talented, Nikki East and is the perfect continuation of the art deco theme that graced the earlier books in the series.

Murder on the Medway is the fourth book in the Amy Rowlings, Golden Age, mystery series and will be released in the spring of 2024.

Thank you Nikki and thank you Sumaira Wilson of SpellBound books for all she does.


Mrs 3DU’s Christmas

Mrs 3Du’s Christmas


I haven’t seen much of Mrs 3DU over the holiday as, once I’d done my Christmas shop, I parked the car up outside my house and left it there for a week. I did another small shop on the Saturday morning before the New Year but she had already dragged Mrs 4DU around the supermarket on the Friday, though she did get her to ‘nip out’ for a few last-minute bits for her on New Year’s Eve.

I have news about Mrs 3DU’s daughter’s car, but I’ll add that bit at the end.

As usual, I received all the news from the street gossip collective which includes, Mrs 4DU, Mrs 5DU, MRs 2DD and Mrs ATSADAB (Across The Street And Down A Bit.) Surprisingly, we have recently had a new member added to our ranks. I say surprisingly because she lives right down at the bottom of the street, so she has now become Mrs BOTS. I have no idea how she gets all the news as she’s miles away from the rest of us. We are all pretty much clustered together near the top end of the street. She must be getting the gossip via tom-tom drums or something… mind you, Mrs 4DU does have a log burner, so she might be sending out smoke signals. Continue reading

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