Category: Unspoken (Page 2 of 7)

Relative Strangers. An Unspoken Christmas Novella.

Work is well underway on the latest addition to the Unspoken series. Relative Strangers is set a year after the events in my last Unspoken book, Betrayal. The new story will appear as a novella and will feature many of the characters from that novel. Jane Dixon-Smith, my fabulous cover designer has come up trumps again and I’ll share the cover with you when it is finalised.

The Unspoken series is a dual timeline family saga told over four books so far. The novels can be found on Amazon UK.

A short excerpt from Hopes and Fears. An Unspoken Christmas


Saturday 14th December

At twelve o’clock we sat in the tea shop in town looking out of the fogged-up window as we sipped our hot drinks and nibbled at the dry cake that tasted as though it had spent a day too long under the glass counter. Stephen, bored as usual, began to draw with his finger in the condensation on the shop window. After twenty minutes I put him out of his misery and we got to our feet and made for the door, moving aside to allow a pair of elderly ladies to enter.

‘Thank you, dears,’ the first of the pensioners smiled at the children. ‘I’m ready for a cuppa, I’m parched.’

‘I wouldn’t bother with the sponge cake,’ Stephen advised. ‘You’ll be even parchder.’ He looked at me quizzically as I tried to usher him out of the café before he got us into trouble. ‘Is parchder a word?’ he asked.

Outside, the Saturday lunchtime streets were full of shoppers. Jam-packed buses trundled along the narrow town roads as the half day Saturday workers made their way home from the factories. The bustling market place echoed with the shouts of, ‘Plums, get your lovely plums, they’re big, they’re beautiful just like your… mums,’ and ‘sprouts and cabbage, fresher than your lodger, put it on a plate for him, girls, he’ll love you for it.’

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